Below are some useful links and resources to help you with identifying some of our local species. Do feel free to get in touch with us if there are any species you may not be sure about.
We’re currently doing a Biodiversity Baseline Survey to map what wildlife we have in Wantage and Grove, find out more and get involved here.
Wild Oxfordshire This site gives you some fantastic information on wildlife action going on in the larger Oxfordshire area
Wild flowers and trees
– Plantsnap Identify Plants App
– Woodland Trust Tree ID
– The Mammal Society
– Oxfordshire Mammal Group
– Love the Garden – 19 Common British Birds
– BTO Bird Identification Videos
– Echo Meter Touch bat identification app
Bumblebee Conservation Trust identification guide
Reptiles and Amphibians
Amphibian & Reptile Groups guides
Recording species
Recording the wildlife that you see is really important and in the UK we are world leaders in citizen science, so why not get involved and start contributing to what we know about the wildlife in Wantage?
– Use the iRecord App on your mobile phone; it’s very easy to use.
– If you don’t have a smartphone, report sightings of mammals via Oxon Mammal Group.
– Report any sightings of otter or water vole to the Letcombe Brook Project.
– RSPB Swift Project: record your swift sightings – for any local swift sightings
If you are not that confident yet on your species ID skills, in addition to those above there are some brilliantly helpful resources online with experts keen to help you:
– iSpotnature: if you spot something and aren’t sure what it is, these guys will soon tell you.
– iRecord butterflies for a butterfly-specific one that helps you with identification.
– If you are into moth trapping this is a must have: What’s_Flying_Tonight App.