Volunteering for Sustainable Wantage
We’re always keen for anyone in the community to get involved in what we do. Keep an eye on the monthly newsletter for the latest volunteer requests. Opportunities include Wild Wantage work parties, helping in The Market Garden and volunteering to help collect and share out surplus food with The Mix Community Fridge and Wantage Community Larder. Our work requires quite a bit of behind-the-scenes administration to ensure it is effective so there may be opportunities to provide admin support to specific projects.
Become a member
Sustainable Wantage is a Community Benefit Society, a special form of co-operative, owned and run by our members. Membership is open to all and we would love you to join us to support our work. Subscription is just £5 per year; your first payment includes a £1 share in Sustainable Wantage. Click here for more details including how to apply.